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No More 'war Room'; Huckabee Hates Energy

Somebody Tell Howard Wolfson [Tom Maguire, Just One Minute]: "Enough with the 'war room' metaphor.  It was cute in 1992 when the Cold War was over and the messenger was baby-faced George Stephanopoulos but this is 2007 and we are a nation truly at war, a point your team would do well to remember."

The Not-So-Clever Futures Markets [Brendan Nyhan]: "Have the odds of Obama winning the race actually increased by nine percentage points in the last seven days? It seems disproportionate to the gains that he's made."

If You Can't Say Anything Nice [Dan McLaughlin, RedState]: "While Romney is clearly having some troubles with voters who are uncomfortable with the doctrines of his church, the last thing in the world Huckabee should be doing, morally or as a matter of political strategy, is inflaming sectarian divides within the GOP."

More Brilliant Huckabee Insight [Kevin Drum, Washington Monthly]: "So when Mike Huckabee told Katie Couric that we ought to be "free of energy consumption in this country within a decade," what do you think he really meant? … Will anyone press him on this? Or will he get the village idiot treatment that Republicans since Ronald Reagan have so often gotten, where they're sort of expected to say harebrained stuff and nobody holds it against them?"

--Josh Patashnik