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The Day Upon Us; You Can't Drown Mitt

Democracy in Action [John DiStaso, Manchester Union-Leader]: "When thousands of media representatives and out-of-state volunteers clear out tomorrow, when the political ads and the political phone calls abruptly stop, New Hampshire citizens can quietly reflect on the fact that they have played a major role in determining the nation's path not just for the next four years, but perhaps for a generation."

You Can't Drown Mitt! [Lauren Dorgan, Concord Monitor]: "On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, Mitt Romney played down expectations and ramped up his biggest-in-the-Republican-field campaign machine, while rival John McCain told rally crowds across the state that he'll win today - even as the second bus in his fleet broke down. ... "There's an old family saying that if a Romney drowns in a river, look upstream for the body," Romney said. "So regardless of how things are we're going to keep battling and fighting, and so regardless of how things are, you can expect us in the fight every day, every night."

Temper, Temper [Thomas Sowell, RealClearPolitics]: "When it comes to personal temperament, Governor Romney would rate the highest for his even keel, regardless of what events are swirling around him, with Rudolph Giuliani a close second. Temperament is far more important for a President than for a candidate. A President has to be on an even keel 24/7, for four long years, despite crises that can break out anywhere in the world at any time. John McCain trails the pack in the temperament department, with his volatile, arrogant, and abrasive know-it-all attitude. His track record in the Senate is full of the betrayals of Republican supporters that have been the party's biggest failing over the years and its Achilles heel politically."

Truly Pro-Choice [Michael Barone, US News and World Report]: "Today's young women voters are different. They were not raised by mothers who told them they had a duty to stay home with their children. They were raised by mothers who told them they had all sorts of choices they could choose. And mothers who, in some cases, made their own choices which the girls resented—divorce, spending lots of time at the office. These young women don't react defensively to antichoice politicians and don't feel a need to be liberated from restraints that were never urged on them."

Can You Hear Me Now? [Maria La Ganga, Los Angeles Times]: " 'Do not take this race for granted,' [Barack Obama] rasped in Claremont, looking tired and a little gaunt. 'It is important for us all to be clear that we have not won anything yet . . . in New Hampshire,' Obama said. 'It is important for everybody to turn out.' The night before, in a Keene motel room, the campaign had called a doctor to see if anything could be done about Obama's voice, which has shown signs of strain since victory night in Iowa.

Diagnosis: Overuse.

Remedy: Rest.

Likelihood: Zip."  

--Dayo Olopade